" Tempus Fugit "


Friday, March 28, 2008

I feel like Sally Field

Metalmom digs me...there's no accounting
for taste.
She has presented me this Excellent blog
Award and because I have no shame I accept,
thanks MM .

The rules of the award are as follows:

1. Identify the originator of this award,

and link so she can get her well-deserved traffic.
That would be Kayla at Project Mommy.

2. Pass on at least 10 Excellent Blog Awards.

By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have

to award it to 10 more people who’s blog’s you
find Excellent Award worthy.

You can give it to as many people as you want
but please award at least 10.

Now I am listing (not in any type of order)

my personal worthy blogs.

{ Matt-man, Midnight Cliff/Hellohahanarf,

Jen/Casual Slack, fig/Nullibi City, The Stinker,
Claire/A little piece of me, Avitable, Absolutely True,
J./The Coffee Table, Slick Sumbich.}

If you haven't checked these folks out you should.

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