Poke the pics. to biggie size em.
This is the driveway at the end of my apt. bld.
It's was just dirt, it was rough & it just plain sucked.
You may wonder why I would do anything about
a driveway on a rental property....I got the material
for free and I needed something to do...& I hated it
the way it was. This is a pile of A.B.C. "Aggregate Base Compound"
it's used for road & bld. foundations, it's a mix of
gravel, sand & dirt and compacts very solid.
This pile was more than twice this size (about 14 tons).
Then I though to take pics. for a post about half
way through the job. Yep that shovel a rake &
wheelbarrow were my tools for the job......
& my achen back.With about two tons left to spread Jesse decided to
help and spread his share...what a good boy. Oh wait...he was just lookin for a cool place to
take a nap. Yep that's my boy.Here I have about half the pile spread out. Still looks
pretty rough huh ! Finally after spreadin the rest of the material, rakin it out
as smooth as I could, hosin it down & drivin my P.U.
back and forth on it to pack it down...I give you
the finished driveway. The job from start to finish took me about 10 hours,
of course that time includes BEER breaks.
Miss Heather pointed out in comments that I
neglected to acknowledge Jesse's most important
contribution to this project therefore I would like to
thank Jesse for his supervision for without his watchful
eye's I could never have done as good a job.
" Tempus Fugit "
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
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