" Tempus Fugit "


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Pretty much every product made goes thru a quality
control check before it leaves the factory for shipping
and sale.

Sometimes the QC check is merely a visual inspection
sometimes the product is physically tested.

For example, clothing is looked over by inspector 42
or 13 or 8...well you get the picture. However there
are products like cordless drills, toaster ovens or
bicycles and such that have to be physically tested.

Now for the most part bein a QC inspector is probably
a pretty easy & sweet job but there is one QC inspector
position I would NOT like to have.

I'm sure your all familiar with the Johnson & Johnson Co.
Well the next time you think you have a lousy job
think about this. At J&J they make thermometers, a
variety of thermometers and each one is tested the
old fashioned way including the following.

Rectal Thermometers !
Included in the retail sale packaging with each
Rectal Thermometer is the care and use literature
and in that literature is this statement...

"Every Rectal Thermometer made by
Johnson & Johnson is personally
tested and then sanitized."

Yep there are folks at J&J gettin poked in the ole
poop chute 20 or 30 times a day in the name of QC.

So the next time your back hurts from sittin at your
desk or your hands hurt from grippin tools all day
think about those poor folks at J&J and I bet your
aches and pains wont seem to hurt quite so bad.

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